The Epitome of Sound

The Oladra is a visual metaphor for the beauty of music, with its strong form and structure, and yet sensuous flowing lines, curves and fine nuance.

The Oladra is designed to be the world’s best music server-streamer, in the way that music played through it makes you feel. Presenting how real musicians sound in real spaces allows the music’s message to get through with all of its potency.

Experience your favourite music as if for the first time – communicating all of the artistry and passion that created each performance.

Our Design

The Oladra employs premium parts throughout and multiple computing and processing stages.

The Oladra uses a unique custom computer optimised for Server Apps and another optimised for Player Apps.

Multiple cascaded processing stages then create a signal with high-bandwidth and virtually zero noise below the bitrate, which ensures that the timing of binary data transitions are precisely defined. That is crucial to enabling the Oladra’s ultra-stable clocking circuits to transmit a clean and precisely clocked signal to your DAC.

“I felt I’d never heard sound so open, warm, smooth, maximally colored, and musical through my system. I sat spellbound at the glorious sound of one of Mozart’s early acts of genius. When soprano Carolyn Sampson began singing, heaven’s gates opened before me.”

Jason Victor Serinus


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